Free UK PAY Payroll Calculator that prints Payslips

Youtube Video Tutorial By Payrolltips:

In this video Author will tell you how you can calculate and print pay-slips for free. The system does not require an account and non of your private information leaves your computer. Because this is web based it works on any device with a web browser.

Set the frequency, tax year, you don't need to use the pay date unless prompted. Tax period, Basis would normally be cumulative, and the national insurance information. Enter the basic pay and any other allowances, then any deductions. The last bit is brought forwards, this is used to enter totals from the previous pay period. 

You can now click the calc button. The information is sent to PAYEsoft where it is calculated and the results are sent back.

You can now enter the information about the employee by selecting fields marked with an * and type in the relevant information. This information dose not leave your computer as this is now just a template.

You can now print, note the advertising will not show up on your print out. If you would like to print to a PDF file, please watch my video "How to print payslips to PDF"

We will use this information to produce the next pay periods pay-slip. Enter this periods information and then the previous periods carry forwards totals. This time you can see the cumulative is accumulating.

If you have any suggestions about WEBcalc please let them know or comment below:-